The case for diversity and inclusion in the workplace has changed. A number of factors – both internal and external to your organisation – are driving diversity as a business imperative around the world.
So the question is, do your leaders and colleagues really understand the new business case for diversity and inclusion? Do they understand that inclusion is not just valuing and respecting difference, but also creating constructive conflict and psychological safety, implementing conscious decision making and boundary spanning behaviours?
A workforce community that really appreciates the case for diversity and its many implications for sustained competitive advantage is going to progress at an entirely different rate – and perform at an entirely different level – to one that considers diversity and inclusion just a ‘nice thing to do’.
Symmetra offers a range of solutions to help your organisation build the essential foundation of understanding, insight and motivation to build a truly inclusive workplace:
Customisable keynote sessions for executive teams and boards to convert sceptics in your organisation into active champions with a highly compelling, exhaustively researched session that addresses the multitude of workplace and marketplace drivers that have positioned diversity and inclusion as a key source of competitive advantage.
If you need to build D&I awareness and capability at scale, we offer both interactive workshops for large groups, as well as a totally unique gamified digital learning platform which will give momentum to your D&I strategy.
Storytelling is an art as old a human culture itself – an evolved method for transferring information through social networks in a compelling and engrossing way. Narrative is therefore a leadership tool – one that enables leaders to create an inspiring image of the future. When applied to the topic of diversity and inclusion, Narrative allows leaders to increase their impact by elevating the conversation from a purely rational “business case” discussion to one that wins hearts and minds and encourages others to become passionate about D&I.