Amanda is one of Symmetra’s experienced senior executive coaches.
She has over 20 years’ experience in senior management, leadership development and executive coaching. Amanda’s understanding of business and experience across a range of industries enable her to devise innovative and outcome focused people development solutions that meet the needs of executives and their businesses. She has developed and delivered leadership and coaching programs targeted to CEOs and their management teams across a range of top 200 ASX listed companies.
Clients she has worked with include Ernst & Young, Minter Ellison, Sparke Helmore, Scentre Group, IAG, Commonwealth Bank, TAFE NSW, Broadspectrum and a range of NSW and Federal Government clients. Amanda was a former director and founding partner of Madston Black Australia, a leadership development firm which was absorbed by Korn Ferry in 2014. She is a former State Director for the Stephenson Mansell Group and was Practice Leader with global consulting firm Hudson in its Career Management and Outplacement business.
Her coaching and facilitation style is creative and results focused, assisting others to discover new insights about themselves and their capabilities and break through to new levels of success. Her approach is built upon many years of senior level corporate setting to get great results. She has a particular passion for diversity and inclusion and has developed and delivered coaching programs and team programs in this field with great impact over the past few years with Symmetra.
Amanda has a BA (Communications) degree from the University of Technology, has undertaken the Manager as Coach program at Sydney University and has completed the Change Skills and Approaches to Change at the Australian Graduate School of Management, Sydney.
She is certified in a a range of psychometric instruments including the MSCEIT – (Certified to Practice the Mayer Salovey Caruso Intelligence Test), the full Hogan Suite of Instruments, Lominger tools and MRG’s Leadership Effectiveness Analysis 360, the Global Leadership Wellbeing Survery (GLWS), ILI (Inclusive Leadership Index) and is currently becoming certified in Five Chairs methodology which builds on the UN’s work in non-violent communication.