Brian Sorge

Brian is passionately committed to demonstrating the value of creating inclusive leadership throughout organizations to build and sustain a sense of safety to learn, grow and excel.  His career has enabled him to work with organizations across industries and sectors as well as geographies, including the US, Canada, Central and South America as well as Europe and the Asia Pacific regions.  His appreciation for individuals, teams and organizations’ desire to understand more and change to ensure they are enabling themselves and others to be their authentic selves and do their best is continually reinforced with every client engagement. Building strategies and implementation roadmaps that directly and sustainably impact people and an organizations success continues to motivate his work. 

His professional experience includes serving as Managing Director and Principal of L+C Learning, VP of Client Solutions for Braidio, a Senior Managing Consultant and Cultural Change and Diversity & Inclusion Practice Lead for Capital H Group, Vice President of Client Solutions at Lambert & Associates, Director of Recruiting and Human Resources for Marakon Consulting, Managing Consultant at the Kaleidoscope Group, Director of Admissions and Multicultural Recruiting for the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University, and Director of Recruiting, Multicultural Recruiting and Educational Programs for the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy.  

Brian is always seeking to be outdoors with family and friends, be it hiking, camping or skiing.  He is an avid cook and dog lover as well as global vagabond.