Clare B. Connaughton is a highly skilled trainer and facilitator who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Symmetra team.
Clare has over thirty years experience in mediation, negotiation and conflict management programs for community, Government and corporate organisations. Her passion in this space has led her to conducting keynotes and press conferences on the benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution.
She is well regarded by her clients and has designed and facilitated programs for the Ritz Carlton, New York University, Columbia University and the United Nations.
Clare has been a member of the Mediation Panel of the U.S Federal District Court since 1998 and has conducted numerous mediations in commercial, insurance, family and tort cases since 1999.
With a strong and engaging personality, powerfully articulate, and ready to tole model how to challenge constructively, Clare is much sought after to build the inclusive capability of leaders to create constructive conflict, encourage the expression of divergent views and help leaders seek critical thinking partners.