In what is an Australian first, the Law Council of Australia (LCA) supported by its constituent bodies, the Law Societies and Bar Associations in the States and Territories, have appointed Symmetra the exclusive provider of a national roll-out of unconscious bias education for all practising lawyers.
It has become apparent that there is a pressing need to institute this type of education to address the persistent structural and attitudinal barriers embedded within the culture of Australia’s legal profession. These severely limit opportunities for female lawyers as well as other diverse legal practitioners. The National Attrition and Re-engagement Survey (NARS) report, 2014 highlighted significant aspects of the legal profession that slow or arrest the advancement of women to senior positions to the point where many are so frustrated that they leave for good.
In addition to this, by adopting a more conscious approach to decision making, legal practitioners of every description can improve their legal and business acumen. Unconscious bias impacts on all areas of the legal profession: people and talent, assessment of cases and evidence, jurisprudence, client interactions, ethics and strategic business decisions.
Symmetra is offering a range of solutions to address unconscious bias for solicitors, barristers, in-house counsel and legal support. All solutions will be nationally recognised for Continuing Legal Education / Continuing Professional Development points.