We’re excited to announce that Symmetra Connect is back! We will be organising events from July to November 2022 based on several thought-provoking topics in diversity and inclusion.

Symmetra will be partnering with Herbert Smith Freehills—the hosts of these sessions. The first two sessions will be taking place in Sydney and Melbourne on the topic of 9 data-driven insights on developing inclusive leaders conducted by Symmetra Global Co-CEO Heather Price.

The 90-minute sessions will present insights present insights from Symmetra’s unique dataset gathered from its detailed 360 assessment tool, the Inclusive Leadership Index, of close to 3000 executives across the globe measuring their inclusive leadership capability. This is the first time Symmetra will be sharing these results in Australia and will discuss

  • What effective inclusive leadership actually looks like
  • Trends and themes across global participants
  • Common gaps in inclusive leadership performance
  • Gender patterns and more

The session will further examine how conducting individual and team inclusion assessments can act as the catalyst to build lasting new inclusion habits in leaders, and the implications of Symmetra’s findings for how to get maximum ROI from your investment in inclusion capability.

To register for either of the sessions of this free event or to access more information, click the links below:

Register for the free session in Sydney

Register for the free session in Melbourne