Navigating Workplace Risks:
A Comprehensive Approach to Sexual Harassment Prevention

For many businesses risk management is a standard and fundamental feature of assessing the operations of the business and planning to meet future eventualities. Despite the widespread occurrence of sexual harassment in the workplace across various industries as well as the fact that it can be financially and reputationally damaging, very few businesses apply a proper risk analysis to this issue. This is because the burden of raising and pursuing grievances in this area was left to the individual victims, and most cases of sexual harassment were not pursued.

Under the WPA’s new preventative duty it is now a requirement for businesses and other organisations to embark on a program of risk assessment specifically directed at sexual harassment. In most businesses and organisations there is some risk that unlawful workplace behaviour (harassment or otherwise) may occur and may pose a risk to the physical and psychological safety of the people who work there.

The type of risk management approach adopted by a particular organisation will vary depending on its size and nature – it’s important to understand that there is no “one size fits all” solution.

At the outset, organisations should consider whether known drivers and risk factors for unlawful behaviour, and particularly sexual harassment, exist in their workplaces.

Considerations may include:

  • Identifying large power imbalances in the structure of the workforce
  • Recognising if there is a distinct culture of masculinity
  • Assessing if there are often gatherings outside of the normal workplace
  • Evaluating events involving the consumption of large amounts of alcohol
  • Remote working environments
  • Historical incidents of sexual harassment
  • Effective, safe and accessible routes for complaints or reporting an incident


Subsequent stages of assessment must also evaluate:

  • The demographic most likely to be affected
  • Groups or levels of employees prone to being potential perpetrators
  • The times and locations where harassment is most likely to occur

By embedding robust risk management strategies and aligning with WPA requirements, organisations can not only ensure compliance but also build a workplace culture rooted in respect and accountability. Considering the risk of sexual harassment is likely to identify other misconduct risks, and lead to a better workplace environment overall. So whilst a risk assessment may feel onerous, a proactive approach helps mitigate significant future costs and impacts, protect employees, and foster a thriving organisational environment.



Practical guidelines


Thorough Risk Assessment

Tailor your risk management approach to the unique size and nature of your organisation. Identify potential risk factors and drivers, such as power imbalances, cultural aspects, social gatherings, and events involving alcohol. Ensure reporting channels are functioning effectively and as intended.


Understanding Dynamics

Identify groups or levels of employees susceptible to being affected or acting as potential perpetrators. Determine when and where harassment is most likely to occur.


Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment

  • Regularly identify and assess the risk of unlawful conduct and its potential impact.
  • Implement effective control measures.
  • Periodically review control measures to ensure continued effectiveness.
  • Adjust as needed to ensure ongoing effectiveness in preventing and addressing sexual harassment.

    By following these practical recommendations, your organisation can cultivate a more respectful and inclusive work environment while effectively addressing issues related to sexual harassment.