Course overview
Have you ever stepped away from a meeting only to regret not sharing what was on your mind? Or perhaps you’re afraid to explore new approaches in case you make a mistake?
Psychological safety behaviours in the workplace are actions and attitudes that create a safe and supportive environment where people feel comfortable expressing themselves, taking risks, and sharing ideas without fear of negative consequences.
These behaviours are crucial for fostering trust, open communication, and collaboration within teams and organisations. In this short module, we’ll explore the key behaviours and actions you can take to create psychological safety within your team.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
Comprehend the concept of psychological safety and its influence on our approach to managing impressions and striving to fit in
Overcome the 4 fears of appearing ignorant, incompetent, overly-negative and disruptive
Understand and exhibit the 4 key behaviours which foster psychological safety in the workplace

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