Category: Latest Insights From Symmetra

Female Leaders Shine in Crises – will this debias the lens through which they are seen?

The best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity –William Butler Yeats Male leaders stumble Disasters and Crises show leaders at their best and worst. Some political leaders show their underlying strength, the ability to listen and a talent to rally the troops when decisions to act are taken. Others respond …

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Why are 75% of suicides by men?

By the end of today, 12 people will have taken their lives by suicide, 75% of them will be men. In recognition that the Covid-19 Crisis would place a significant burden on the mental health of citizens, the Australian Federal Government approved long overdue additional funding for mental health services in March. It unfortunately needed …

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What will the Future WorkPlace, in the “Future of Work”, look like?

As we enter Phase 3, of the S-Curve (A. Edmondson, adapted from G. Land), we have a unique opportunity to design “Future WorkPlaces” as a win-win-win for business, teams and individuals. The “Great Working from Home Experiment of 2020”, did not have the benefit of the consciously considered human-centred design principles, we typically recommend for …

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How does Cultural Diversity reduce risks you face in today’s Virtual Workplace?

In today’s virtual world, what risks might you face and how might you leverage an asset, likely latent, but ready for action, in your team or organisation? The facts of the matter: Cultural diversity is a catalyst for innovation, business growth and performance. (BCG) Diversity of Thought is critical for solving complex and interconnected challenges. …

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Coronavirus Pandemic! Inclusion to the Rescue?

The outbreak of Coronavirus is now officially a pandemic; it has spread across the globe. Italy is in total lockdown; in Iran political leaders have died; and the United States has banned all travel to and from Europe.  Virtually no business is immune and therefore almost all employees are potentially affected. Unprecedented Impact In Australia, …

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Each for Equal – International Women’s Day 2020

It Is generally accepted that we have underestimated the challenges associated with achieving equality in the corporate world when it comes to attributes of gender, race ethnicity and sexual orientation amongst others. This is despite significant investments of time and money and the lure of substantial rewards from robust financial and human “dividends”. Whilst we’ll …

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Sexual Harassment: Progress at Last!

The long-awaited report of the Australian Human Rights Commission into workplace sexual harassment has just been released. It marks a paradigm shift in the way combatting sexual harassment should be addressed and in many ways is a world first. In essence, it posits that employers should owe a legal duty of care to all employees …

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What Does Inclusion Actually Means in the 21st Century?

Heather Price, CEO at Symmetra, discusses what inclusion actually means in the 21st century. Unlock the other 11 videos in our FREE interactive expert video series guide Transcription Well, it’s really important for us to define exactly what inclusion means, because historically, for the last three decades or so, inclusion was really just described as …

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Why Inclusive Leadership is Critical Today

Heather Price, CEO at Symmetra, discusses why inclusive leadership is so critical today. Unlock the other 11 videos in our FREE interactive expert video series guide Transcription When you talk about diversity, we’re talking about all the differences that people bring to the table. We’re talking about inherent differences. Those are the differences you’re born …

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