Category: News & Knowledge

Embed and Sustain Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace with E-Challenge

E-Challenge is Symmetra’s unique diversity and inclusion online learning platform, built to empower leaders and teams to embed inclusive behaviours for the long term. Using a unique gamified approach that encourages learners to compete and complete, E-Challenge addresses the full spectrum of diversity and inclusion topics with a continuously evolving library of 10-minute interactive Learning …

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Ford v Kavanaugh: Why are Female Sexual Victims routinely disbelieved and vilified?

Battle lines have been predictably been drawn following the allegation by Christine Blasey Ford that she suffered a violent sexual assault at the hands of Brett Kavanaugh some 35 years ago and his emphatic denial that anything of the sort took place. Before either of the two protagonists have actually testified, large swathes of the American public have made it …

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Boundary Spanning to spur Innovation: It’s Worth the Effort

Businesses today have to deal with ambiguous and complex challenges which increasingly rely on harnessing of a range of skills and a reliance upon interdisciplinary perspectives. Examples are legion. Nanotechnology achieves its spectacular breakthroughs by drawing upon the skills of physicists, biologists and chemists. Disease control efforts bring together public health officials, behavioural scientists and …

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Are you an Inclusive leader? Only your employees can judge

True leaders foster a sense of inclusion amongst employees and create an ethos of inclusivity in their organisations. Possessing these skills is a mark of success. But only independent and reliable measurement fed by sources who really know can tell a leader if he or she is inclusive Ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? It …

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Sexism or Misogyny? The outrageous conduct of Senator Leyonhjelm

The unseemly spectacle which unfolded recently in the Australian Federal Parliament where Senator David Leyonhjelm, in the midst of a debate about sexual violence against women shouted across the chamber at a young opposition female senator, Sarah Hanson-Young that she should “stop shagging men” (and later gratuitously repeated the same slur on Sky TV) has …

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Aim for Gender Parity: Australia can win big

Australia (as well as other countries in the Asia- Pacific region) could potentially reap massive economic benefits by 2025 if it takes accelerated steps towards gender parity. This is the conclusion drawn from the just- released report by McKinsey Global Institute—ThePower of Parity: Advancing Women’s Equality in Asia Pacific The report calculates that the region …

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