Category: Latest Insights From Symmetra

The fight for access to abortion as Roe v Wade overturned

The US Constitutional Court’s ruling in Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organisation—overturning Roe v Wade—has delivered a seismic and profound shock to the socio-political fabric in America and across the globe. Many American states will now move to ban or restrict abortions. Women in those states will be forced to make uncomfortable journeys to states …

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53 years after Stonewall, the challenges continue

June ushers in another Pride Month and it opens at a tumultuous time for LGBTQIA+ rights all over the world. The sobering reality is that discriminatory actions and commentary continues to be common. legislation remain to threaten the safety of LGBTQIA+ individuals. The overturning of Roe vs Wade that puts the legalisation of marriage between …

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Women have finally been heard in Australian politics

Women in Australia have at last been heard. They have played a major role in the outcome of the federal election and have said: enough! They have taken it upon themselves to make a start to upend the blatantly discriminatory and dismissive culture that has pervaded Australian politics which Symmetra has commented on frequently. Women in …

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How to build the inclusion capability of leaders: A discussion with Heather Price

With research and evidence pointing to inclusion as the enabler for contemporary organisations to leverage the true potential of diversity, many experts have accepted inclusive leadership as a critical competitive advantage. But, while organisations are ramping up their diversity-focused recruitment to optimise performance and improve the demographic outlook of their workforce, many fail to support …

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Your Inclusion Blindspot can be your undoing – Lessons from DGL

Inclusion in the workplace has increasingly gained well-deserved global attention in recent years. Yet some leaders remain stubbornly and possibly intentionally ignorant of the importance of this issue both from a performance upside and risk downside perspective. For most it comes as no surprise that when Simon Henry—CEO of star performing DGL Group—made derogatory comments …

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Symmetra is committed to expanding its US presence with the appointment of new Co-CEO

As the world of work rapidly transforms, putting DEI on the forefront, there is no better time than right now for Symmetra to continue its stellar journey in partnering with leading global organisations to co-create inclusive cultures that drive purpose and performance. New York City will become the base for the next frontier for Symmetra, with its extensive …

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Addressing complex problems with diversity

Political and business leaders today are faced with a daunting and sometimes bewildering set of challenges: climate change, pandemics, war, supply chain disruptions, inflation, the ‘great resignation’, reputational risks, and many more. Against this background, how can teams be assembled to best achieve business objectives? We all know the adage that diverse teams excel in …

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Why Australia’s Religious Discrimination Bill won’t come to pass

The Australian government’s Religious Discrimination Bill will not become law—at least in the life of the current Parliament. This is a good thing. The fundamental difficulty is that the Bill (in its original form) would have whittled away the rights of many in the LGBTQI community. While religious belief and practice may be deserving of …

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Navigating change through inclusive leadership

Symmetra was very proud to be the guest speaker at the, ‘It’s a matter of trust: The Great Attraction,’ event hosted by Herbert Smith Freehills. Our senior executive facilitator, Deb Assheton, spoke about the concurrent adaptive challenges being faced by organisations right now—COVID-19, #BLM, Climate Change, #metoo—and how inclusive leadership can support us in navigating these challenges. …

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