Category: Latest Insights From Symmetra

Australia Deserves a YES Vote on 14 October

Australians face a momentous choice on 14 October-one which could set the tone of inter-communal relations for decades to come. Symmetra urges Australians to vote affirmatively to establish a constitutionally recognized voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Our reasons for this firm position are because The Voice will: Give Indigenous people a direct …

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Trust in Government and Business has corroded alarmingly- what can be done?

Trust: “Our willingness to be vulnerable to the actions of others because we believe that they have good intentions and will behave well towards us” Most Australians would have been dismayed in recent weeks by the exposure of a range of diverse instances of breaches of trust:  the Senate inquiry into PwC finds breaches of …

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Financial inclusion: “We have a challenge, yet we also have a solution: India’s UPI” says Dr. Bijna Kotak Dasani MBE FRSA

Dr. Bijna Kotak Dasani MBE FRSA For many, being able to have access to a transaction account can be that vital first step toward broader  financial inclusion as it allows people to store money, and send and receive payments. The latest figures  from The Global Findex Database 2021 show that although 71% of people in …

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Discrimination in employment: AI changes the Landscape

Symmetra wrote very recently about the profound impact which the implementation of AI tools in various aspects of employment will have on issues of discrimination [link here] but since then the landscape in this area has changed significantly. The US National Artificial Intelligence Act defines AI as “machine-based system that can, for a given set …

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Dr. Bìjna Kotak Dasanì MBE, FRSA Operating Partner, Symmetra praised for her professional journey & impact by HRH Princess Royal at Buckingham Palace

Dr. Bijna a distinguished former Banker turned Venture Capitalist and Entrepreneur is a highly respected figure for her efforts in leading diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) across the financial services industry. She was appointed Member of The Most Excellent Order Of The British Empire (MBE) by Her Royal Highness Princess Royal, Princess Anne, at a …

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Sydney Embraces People with Disabilities

Sydney—take a bow! The Valuable 500 has just voted our city the 9th most accessible in the world for people with disabilities. Valuable 500 is an association formed at the World Economic Forum (WEF), Davos in 2019 to which 500 of the world’s most influential CEOs belong and whose objective is to unlock the potential …

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Nick Cater attacks DEI programs in The Australian- A Response

Journalist Nick Cater recently penned an article in The Australian which was little more than an all-out attack on workplace DEI programs. According to Mr Cater these programs are calculated to disempower and disadvantage white males in the Australian workforce. The proposition accepted so glibly by Mr. Cater, that without the constraints of DEI policies …

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A Court Recognizes Unconscious Bias in Sex Discrimination Claim

A recent ruling of the Victorian court of Appeal in the case of Austin Health v Tsikos marks a significant advance in the appreciation of how unconscious biases can serve to activate and embed discrimination in the workplace. The complainant, Christina Tsikos had been employed as an orthotist/ prosthetist by Austin Health in 2009. The …

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Can AI counter discrimination in recruitment?

The harms of discriminatory hiring practices  Discrimination in recruitment is a long-standing problem that adversely affects women and other protected groups, but also ultimately impacts organisations negatively when discrimination results in talented people being overlooked for jobs. Sometimes the discrimination flows from deliberate and conscious decisions to hire only from certain groups or to exclude …

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