Category: Workplace

Lehrmann and Higgins: Significant warning to all Australian Employers

The outcome of the defamation case involving Bruce Lehrmann and Channel 10, as well as Lisa Wilkinson, carries crucial lessons for Australian employers. Ultimately the case was decided on the question of whether the defendants could establish on a balance of probabilities that Brittany Higgins had been raped by Bruce Lehrmann in the early hours …

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Sexual Harassment Law in Australia: A Brief History, The New Positive Duty and AHRC Enforcement Guidelines

The term “sexual harassment” was brought to light by journalist and feminist Lin Farley in 1975 during a hearing of the New York Human Rights Commission. As public awareness grew, laws prohibiting sexual harassment were passed in different jurisdictions, including Australia, culminating in the federal Sex Discrimination Act in 1984. Companies proceeded to institute compulsory …

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How “noise” impacts decision-making at work

  Humans are fallible. When making judgments or even when undertaking important decisions, we frequently haphazardly select information which suits our pre-dispositions. We easily rely on data which is inaccurate, inapposite or simply false. In the workplace, this deficiency leads to failures in business and talent management decisions. One factor which negatively impacts our decision-making …

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The insidious outcomes of sex discrimination at work

Christine Holgate is but the latest female victim of the wretched, toxic masculine culture which pervades many of Australia’s political, corporate and sporting institutions. Her tale forcefully related to a Senate committee exposure once again of a culture where male power-plays exact a fearful toll on women: in Christine’s case causing her to contemplate suicide. …

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